Scholarship or Fellowship Opportunities

We wish to inform our SLSU researchers of the following scholarship and fellowship calls. We strongly believe that by pursuing advanced studies and being exposed to international research-intensive institutions, our researchers will be able to help increase the research capacity and productivity of the University in the long run. Should you need an endorsement from our University President, please contact us as soon as possible so that we can facilitate the request.

Scholarship Opportunities

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

Doctoral Fellowship in India

  • The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are considered among the best engineering/technology institutions in the world. They are also among India's most well known brands. In a fresh beginning, the Government of India - through this programme, offers fellowships funded by Government of India exclusively for ASEAN aspirants to pursue PhD at an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) of their choice. This an exclusive programme and different from all other Government of India programmes such as Study in India and all other fellowships. Accordingly, it doesn't share any common application procedure with them.


  • DURATION & COVERAGE: 5 years


  • Apply HERE

Fellowship Opportunities

ASEAN-India Training Fellowship

  • The fellowship aims to:

    • promote mobility of scientists and researchers from the ASEAN-Member Countries to India and provide them opportunity to work at Indian R&D/ academic institutions to upgrade their research skills and expertise.

    • facilitate exchange of information and contacts between the scientists and researchers of India and ASEAN Countries and create a network for building research collaborations.

    • Awardees may also have opportunity to get co-supervisors from India for their research projects for Ph.D. or Masters degree on their return to their home countries.


    • Possess at-least a Masters Degree in any Natural Sciences or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied disciplines.

    • the applicant is 45 years as on date of submission of application

  • DURATION: 1 semester (5-6 months)

  • DEADLINE: September 30 each year

  • Apply HERE

    • We will assist you in seeking endorsement from the University President. Kindly write to us as soon as you decide to apply.

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (2022-2023)

    • The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (Fulbright DAI) is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State and implemented by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board), a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. In the Philippines, Fulbright DAI is administered by the Philippine-American Educational Foundation (Fulbright Philippines). The Fulbright DAI program, which replaces the International Leaders in Education Program (ILEP), provides teachers with a unique opportunity to develop greater expertise in their subject areas, enhance their teaching skills, increase their knowledge about the United States, and complete an individual or group project.

    • ELIGIBILITY: Primary and secondary school teachers with five or more years of classroom experience who hold full-time teaching positions

    • DURATION: 1 semester

    • DEADLINE: April 30, 2022

    • Apply HERE

Updated: 11 April 2022